On 27/03/2024 22:03, Maurits Lamers wrote:
Hi Timothy,

Thanks so much for your answer! With $defaultheader I can indeed get the main/global header fields in the initialize stage of the engraver, which is already a very important step. I looked up where $defaultheader is defined, and tried toplevel-scores and toplevel-bookparts as well as $current-book and $current-bookpart but these sadly do not contain any info (yet) when in the initialize step of the score context engraver.

Your solution for the score level headers is sadly unusable for me, as the concept of the braille conversion as a simple include only addition doesn't allow me to require users to create variables to get references to these score blocks. It should work without any user-side change to the Lilypond code the user delivers.

I tried to see what the difference is between what (ly:translator-context engraver) returns and what the value is of your \myscore variable, and see that the first is #<Context Score> where \myscore is #<Score>. Is there any way that I would be able to get the value #<Score> from somewhere inside that initialize step of the engraver?

That would allow me to use the (ly:score-header) function, and get things that way.

The best I can come up with is this, which requires an explicit \book and insertion of some code inside the \book.

\version "2.24.0"

Header_export =
#(lambda (context)
    ((initialize translator)
      (ly:message "Print global headers with engraver\n")
      (printheader $defaultheader))))

#(define (headerfield header field)
  (if (and header (module-defined? header field))
    (ly:message "header field: ~a — value: ~a \n" field (module-ref header field))))

#(define (printheader header)
  (headerfield header 'opus)
  (headerfield header 'title)
  (headerfield header 'piece))

\layout { \context { \Score \consists \Header_export } }

\header {
  title = "Title"
  opus = "Op 1"

\book {
  \score { \header { piece = "Piece 1" } { c'1 } }
  \score { \header { piece = "Piece 2" } { c'1 } }
  #(for-each (lambda (s) (printheader (ly:score-header s))) (reverse (ly:book-scores $current-book)))

Timothy Lanfear, Bristol, UK.

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