On 2024-03-23 2:12 am, Eby Mani wrote:
Two questions.
1, How do i set instrument names as per attached "example_1" picture.
2, example_1 - How do i disable connecting barlines between staves when
using PianoStaff or GrandStaff within ChoirStaff.
This is not the complete scenario with all voices and lyrics, but it
should give you the general idea:
1. Use the ChoirStaff which already omits the SpanBar.
2. Change the delimiter to the brace, like the GrandStaff (or
3. Apply an instrument name to the group of related voices to get its
label shown between the individual voices.
\version "2.25.13"
startBrace = \with { systemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartBrace }
notes = { \repeat unfold 5 { b'4 8 8 2 | 4. 8 2 } | 1 \fine }
\new ChoirStaff <<
\new ChoirStaff \with { \startBrace instrumentName = "Soprano"
shortInstrumentName = "S." } <<
\new Staff = sopranoI \with { instrumentName = "I"
shortInstrumentName = "I" } \notes
\new Staff = sopranoII \with { instrumentName = "II"
shortInstrumentName = "II" } \notes
\new ChoirStaff \with { \startBrace instrumentName = "Alto"
shortInstrumentName = "A." } <<
\new Staff = altoI \with { instrumentName = "I"
shortInstrumentName = "I" } \notes
\new Staff = altoII \with { instrumentName = "II"
shortInstrumentName = "II" } \notes
NOTE: If you do need to use a GrandStaff (or PianoStaff), you can remove
the Span_bar_engraver similar to what the ChoirStaff already does:
\new PianoStaff \with { \remove Span_bar_engraver } { . . . }
-- Aaron Hill