On 2024-03-22 8:24 am, Knute Snortum wrote:
Hi all,
I am trying to tie an afterGrace note to the next note and I get a
warning. This code:
\version "2.25.13"
\relative {
\afterGrace c''4\trill { b16 c~ } c4
...produces this warning:
/tmp/frescobaldi-ieh3nrny/tmpq4qpjmjp/document.ly:4:33 <0>: warning:
unterminated tie
\afterGrace c''4\trill { b16 c
~ } c4
Is there any way around this, as I need this for my current project?
\version "2.25.13"
\relative {
\afterGrace c''4\trill { b16 \set tieWaitForNote = ##t c~ } c4
-- Aaron Hill