On 2024-03-20 8:53 am, enejati--- via LilyPond user discussion wrote:
I'm a new lilypond user. I want to create multiple scores in a single
file. These scores have some values on common. So I want to use
`define-music-function` in order to avoid repetition.

[ . . . ]

A few things. Firstly, you must prefix make-score with a slash, just like any other music function. Secondly, define-music-function is not structured the same as Scheme's define. The procedure name will go outside:

myFunction = #(define-music-function (arg1 arg2) (type? type?) ...)

Lastly, a music function must return what LilyPond considers music. Top-level things like a \score or \book will not count. Instead, what you will need is define-void-function, which does not return anything. Within this function, you can call the internal functions for processing scores and books directly:

make-score =
  (instrumentName bookSuffix musicContent)
  (string? string? ly:music?)
  (toplevel-score-handler #{
    \score {
      \new Staff \with {
        instrumentName = #instrumentName
      } { #musicContent }
      \layout { }
  (toplevel-book-handler #{
    \book {
      \bookOutputSuffix #bookSuffix
      \score {
        \new Staff \with {
          midiInstrument = "piccolo"
        } { #musicContent }
        \midi {
          \tempo 4 = 80

% Usage
\make-score "۱" "1" { b'4 4 2 }
\make-score "۲" "2" { b'4 4 2 }
\make-score "3" "3" { b'4 4 2 }

-- Aaron Hill

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