Hi masterbuilder/Gylfi,
This looks like a cool package. Designing the user interface, I think,
really is a matter of taste. My abjad-ext-microtones is meant specifically
to work with the abjad API, so I only implemented a set of accidental
overrides. I also thought it was important to design the stylesheets so
that a different font could be swapped out if desired. The real goal of the
python aspect of my program was to allow tones to be composed numerically
(i.e. as transpositions above a fundamental) so if you had the ability to
model something like \ji-multiplication c' 7/4 (which would result in a
septimally lowered bf') that would be my preferred interface. I’m certain
the two interface systems could even collaborate with one another.
Unfortunately I personally don’t know how to do this in scheme, thus: my
python system. Conveniently, I already compose mainly with python so I am
not in desperate need of the interface I just described. However, I think
the true ratio-based system is what a lot of composers want from JI. And a
software system is great for automatically calculating transpositions.

again: the project is very nice.

warm regards,
gregory rowland evans

On Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 11:30 AM Gylfi <gy...@stebbi.is> wrote:

> Greetings everyone,
> I want to share with the community some work I've been doing on
> implementing proper support for the HEJI notation system in LilyPond. I
> wouldn't call it stable quite yet, as I'm still open to making breaking
> changes to the interface based on feedback. However, I would say it has
> (hopefully) reached the point where it is usable in real projects. You can
> find the repository here:
> https://github.com/BridgeTheMasterBuilder/heji-ly
> (let me know if you are opposed to using GitHub, I can also host it
> somewhere else)
> The differences between this package and existing packages that also
> implement HEJI support (I am personally only aware of two:
> https://github.com/levinericzimmermann/ekme-heji.ily and
> https://github.com/GregoryREvans/abjad-ext-microtones) are the following:
>    - Complete support for all accidentals, with the exception of
>    "enharmonic schismas" and equal-tempered accidentals which are planned for
>    future releases.
>    - Modular interface for arbitrary combinations of accidentals (this is
>    perhaps what I'm most interested in getting feedback on - to me it's a
>    reasonable interface but I don't know what other people's opinion will be)
>    - Full playback support, even for chords, which I believe is just
>    about as accurate as MIDI will allow. Sounds pretty good to my ears in any
>    case.
> I've included some example scores in the repository, including: Recreating
> the otonal and utonal harmonic series examples found here
> https://marsbat.space/pdfs/HEJI2_legend+series.pdf; some other examples
> related to the harmonic series; a classic Ben Johnston chord from the song
> Quietness; a Barbershop quartet arrangment of Kentucky Babe notated with
> the exact harmonies that could plausibly appear in a performance (but still
> highly theoretical and pure, it's not a transcription of any real
> performance) and a traditional bagpipe tune Sweet Maid of Glendaruel. These
> last two examples are a bit out there as far as using HEJI notation is
> concerned. I only chose them because they are "natural" examples of 7-limit
> just intonation that happen to be public domain (if anybody knows of any
> other examples of public domain music in extended just intonation please
> let me know).
> Before starting this project I had virtually no exposure to the Scheme API
> (though I've been a semi-casual LilyPond user for a long time), so I might
> be doing some things inefficiently or violating some best practices, let me
> know if you see something particularly egregious. There are some hacks in
> there that I want to properly address at some point, they should be marked
> with TODO.
> I hope this will be useful to others.
> Best regards,
> masterbuilder

gregory rowland evans

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