On 2024-03-19 5:55 am, Peter Mayes wrote:
Being relatively new to this forum, I suspect I am not the first person
to ask this.
And it is more out of curiosity than necessity.
But does anybody have lilypond code to engrave the famous B.A.C.H.
motif in the attached image?
I did not check for prior work, so here is what I just put together:
\version "2.22.0"
\language deutsch
\layout { \context { \Score
\omit SystemStartBar
\omit TimeSignature
\omit BarLine
} }
%% Offsets
#(define x1 -0.88)
#(define y1 0.062)
#(define x2 0.438)
#(define y2 0.88)
#(define x3 -0.15)
#(define y3 0.03)
accLeft = \once \override
Accidental.extra-offset = #'(-1 . 0)
noNH = \once \hide NoteHead
\markup \overlay {
\translate #(cons (+ x1 x3) (+ y1 y3))
\general-align #X #CENTER \vcenter
\score { { \clef treble \accLeft b'1 } }
\translate #(cons (- x2 x3) (- y2 y3))
\general-align #X #CENTER \vcenter
\rotate #-90
\score { { \clef tenorvarC \noNH a1 } }
\translate #(cons (- x3 x1) (- y3 y1))
\general-align #X #CENTER \vcenter
\rotate #180
\score { { \clef altovarC \noNH c'1 } }
\translate #(cons (- 0 x2 x3) (- 0 y2 y3))
\general-align #X #CENTER \vcenter
\rotate #90
\score { { \clef treble \accLeft \noNH h'! 1 } }
-- Aaron Hill