Greetings! So I've been notating a piece for my son's school band (junior high). Copying the music from paper into LilyPond using Frescobaldi. And now I hit a wall. The music piece is written for french horns in E flat pitch. But the band's horns are in F pitch. I need to transpose the score appropriately. The band director expects staff with three flats (E flat major). I hope there's some easier way to do this than me manually re-writing the score. And I am not even sure how to do that. I would appreciate any help.
I've played piano, so I can read notes. But these crazy pitched brass instruments are an intimidating concept... :-/ Below is the initial part of the score for the E flat french horn. Seems rather big for a small example, but I'd rather have a bit more context. Thank you! TJ Kolev :) ====================================================== \version "2.24.0" trl = \tuplet 3/2 \etc rpt = #(define-music-function (cnt snip) (integer? ly:music?) #{ { \repeat unfold $cnt $snip } #} ) frhornInIIA = { \sectionLabel "Intro" \key f \major | \trl {a'8( bes a)} g r | \trl {g( a g)} f[ r16 e] | g8 r f[ r16 e] | d8 r r4 \break \sectionLabel "Part A" \repeat volta 2 { | \rpt 4 { r8 <d a'>[ r <d a'>] } \break | \rpt 2 { r8 <d bes'>[ r <d bes'>] } | r <d a'>4.:8 | <d a'>2:8^"...." \break | \rpt 4 { r8 <cis a'>[ r <cis a'>] } \break | \rpt 2 { r8 <cis a'>[ r <cis a'>] } | r8 <d a'>4.:8 | <d a'>2:8^"...." \break | \rpt 4 { r8 <d a'>[ r <d a'>] } \break | \rpt 2 { r8 <d bes'>[ r <d bes'>] } | r <d a'>4.:8 | <d a'>2:8^"...." \break | \rpt 2 { r8 <d a'>[ r <d a'>] } | r8 <d bes'>[ r <d bes'>] | r8 <d bes'>4.:8 \break | r8 <cis a'>[ r <cis a'>] | r8 <cis a'>[ r <d a'>] | r8 <cis a'>[ r <cis a'>] } \alternative { { <d a'> r r4 \break } { <d a'>8 r <cis a'>4 } } } % A part frhornIIInIVA = { \sectionLabel "Intro" \key f \major | \trl {a'8( bes a)} g r | \trl {g( a g)} f[ r16 e] | g8 r f[ r16 e] | d8 r r4 \break \sectionLabel "Part A" \repeat volta 2 { | \rpt 4 { r8 <f a,>[ r <f a,>] } \break | \rpt 2 { r8 <g bes,>[ r <g bes,>] } | r <f a,>4.:8 | <f a,>2:8^"...." \break | \rpt 4 { r8 <g a,>[ r <g a,>] } \break | \rpt 2 { r8 <g a,>[ r <g a,>] } | r8 <f a,>4.:8 | <f a,>2:8^"...." \break | \rpt 4 { r8 <f a,>[ r <f a,>] } \break | \rpt 2 { r8 <g bes,>[ r <g bes,>] } | r <f a,>4.:8 | <f a,>2:8^"...." \break | \rpt 2 { r8 <f a,>[ r <f a,>] } | r8 <g bes,>[ r <g bes,>] | r8 <g bes,>4.:8 \break | r8 <g a,>[ r <g a,>] | r8 <g a,>[ r <f a,>] | r8 <g a,>[ r <g a,>] } \alternative { { <f a,> r r4 \break } { <f a,>8 r <g a,>4 } } } % A part frhornInIINotes = { \time 2/4 \relative c' { \frhornInIIA %{ \frhornInIIB \frhornInIIC \frhornInIID \frhornInIIE \frhornInIIF %} } } frhornIIInIVNotes = { \time 2/4 \relative c' { \frhornIIInIVA %{ \frhornIIInIVB \frhornIIInIVC \frhornIIInIVD \frhornIIInIVE \frhornIIInIVF %} } } sgFrenchHorn = \new StaffGroup << \new Staff \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { \line { French Horn E\flat} \line {"I & II"} } } shortInstrumentName = \markup \teeny { \column { \line {"fhorn"} \line {"I,II"} } } } \frhornInIINotes \new Staff \with { instrumentName = \markup { \column { \line { French Horn E\flat} \line {"III & IV"} } } shortInstrumentName = \markup \teeny { \column { \line {"fhorn"} \line {"III,IV"} } } } \frhornIIInIVNotes >> \score { \sgFrenchHorn }