
You mentioned that the score is programmatically generated. If so, can
you modify the generating program and regenerate the score?

Otherwise, a more complete example would be nice. Are you trying to do a
simple string replacement of a few (unicode) characters, or are you
trying to replace larger chunks of LilyPond code?

It would also help to know what operating system environment you are
using. The answer may be to make a copy of the whole tree and run a
search/replace utility recursively on all the files.


On 3/6/2024 10:56 AM, Michael Winter via LilyPond user discussion wrote:
I have a programmatically generated score and am now realizing that I
want to make a small tweak to text markups that are throughout the
score in multiple files that are included at multiple levels.

" 1↑"  replace with " 1" (e.g. remove the up arrow when it is preceded
by a 1)

Is it possible to do this with a global search and replace on compile
such that I do not need to edit each individual file (of which there
are hundreds) manually?

I could do this through the terminal, but I would rather not
destructively edit the files.

Thanks in advance!



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