On 29.02.24 15:42, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
use both \keepWithTag_and_  \removeWithTag like this:

text = \lyricmode {
   \tag A { on -- ly al -- to }
   \tag nA { ev’ -- ry -- one ex -- cept al -- to }

Why didn’t I think of using set theory?!
THANK YOU! That hint alone makes your response gold.

Not that I think you need the hint, but for the record I might have included nesting tag commands in the example, where the technique begins to shine especially:

\text = \lyricmode {
  \tag S,A { on -- ly \tag nA { ve -- ry } high voi -- ces }
  \tag nT {
    ev’ -- ry -- one ex -- cept te -- nor
    \tag nY { now just S, A, B if this is five -- part mu -- sic }

Yours, Simon

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