On Wed, 28 Feb 2024 at 12:07, Peter Mayes <pe...@petermayes.org> wrote:
> As a beginner at Lilypond, I was looking for a way to achieve this. I started just saying c4^"III" or similar. I then modified that to use \markup to shrink the text. But if there is a more "natural" way of adding these fingering marks, I would be happy to learn of it! The advantage of using \finger is that your indication is applied as a fingering indication. Thus, if for example you decide to remove all your fingerings it would be removed as well. > Here is a fragment which shows what I was trying to avoid: > > "Should it always be kept inside the slur?" - I think the answer is "not always" - it only looks wrong to me when the mark is a long way from the note. Actually in this case with the default value of avoid-slur of 'around the fingering would be also inside the slur (but outside for your first example). See the code below (it is probably different than the code you used, but you get the idea): rit = -\markup { \italic rit. } II = -\finger \markup { \fontsize #-4 II } aTempo = ^\markup { \italic "a tempo" } \relative c''' { \time 3/8 c16(\> c,^\rit dis\II c' eis, c')\fermata | c,8(\p\aTempo f g) } Kind regards, Xavier