Hi Orm,

maybe the smufl compliant ekmelos <http://www.ekmelic-music.org/en/extra/ekmelos.htm> font is useful for you. It also defines some Unicode glyphs like circle and arc arrows. The following (similar to Pierre's <https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2024-02/msg00095.html> proposal) uses the path from ekmelos.svg of the Clockwise gapped circle arrow (U+27F3) which is maybe more appropriate than the stringsScrapeCircularClockwise glyph (U+EE88) in smufl.

\version "2.24.0"

#(define-markup-command (circular-bowing layout props) ()
  #:properties ((font-size 0))
  (let ((s (/ (magstep font-size) 256)))
    (interpret-markup layout props
      (#:halign -0.5 #:scale (cons s s) #:stencil
         '(M 0 260
           c 0 138 112 250 250 250
           c 84 0 159 -41 204 -104
           c 3 -5 7 -10 10 -10
           c 16 0 16 85 38 101
           c 3 2 5 3 8 3
           c 6 0 10 -4 10 -9
           c 0 -7 -18 -82 -18 -131
           c 0 -35 10 -53 10 -62
           c 0 -4 -2 -8 -6 -8
           c -3 0 -6 1 -10 4
           c -37 29 -81 39 -174 54
           c -6 1 -10 5 -10 10
           c 0 11 13 14 26 14
           c 23 0 58 -8 76 -8
           c 8 0 12 1 12 6
           c 0 3 -1 8 -4 12
           c -38 53 -101 88 -172 88
           c -116 0 -210 -94 -210 -210
           c 0 -116 94 -210 210 -210
           c 84 0 158 49 192 120
           c 3 7 8 12 16 12
           c 10 0 20 -9 20 -20
           c 0 -3 -1 -8 -2 -10
           c -40 -80 -123 -142 -226 -142
           c -138 0 -250 112 -250 250
         0 1 1 #t))))))

{ c''^\markup \circular-bowing }

You can use esmuflily <http://www.ekmelic-music.org/en/extra/esmuflily.htm> to draw smufl glyphs in Lilypond as in the following sample. But in case of svg backend it embeds the codepoint of a smufl glyph, not the path. So you will not obtain a stand-alone svg file.

\version "2.24.0"
\include "esmufl.ily"

{ c''^\markup \halign #-0.5 \ekm-char ##x27F3 }


Am 14.02.2024 um 10:59 schrieb Orm Finnendahl:

  I'd like to make a sign for circular bowing like in the attached
png. The example was done using an epsfile, but unfortunately that
doesn't export to svg, which I need. So it should be done using
lilypond's builtin markup commands (or scheme code). Can someone point
me to examples to do circular arcs with attached arrows (can also be
scheme code)?

I couldn't find anything similar in the docs/internet.


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