Hi Orm,
maybe the smufl compliant ekmelos
<http://www.ekmelic-music.org/en/extra/ekmelos.htm> font is useful for
you. It also defines some Unicode glyphs like circle and arc arrows. The
following (similar to Pierre's
proposal) uses the path from ekmelos.svg of the Clockwise gapped circle
arrow (U+27F3) which is maybe more appropriate than the
stringsScrapeCircularClockwise glyph (U+EE88) in smufl.
\version "2.24.0"
#(define-markup-command (circular-bowing layout props) ()
#:properties ((font-size 0))
(let ((s (/ (magstep font-size) 256)))
(interpret-markup layout props
(#:halign -0.5 #:scale (cons s s) #:stencil
'(M 0 260
c 0 138 112 250 250 250
c 84 0 159 -41 204 -104
c 3 -5 7 -10 10 -10
c 16 0 16 85 38 101
c 3 2 5 3 8 3
c 6 0 10 -4 10 -9
c 0 -7 -18 -82 -18 -131
c 0 -35 10 -53 10 -62
c 0 -4 -2 -8 -6 -8
c -3 0 -6 1 -10 4
c -37 29 -81 39 -174 54
c -6 1 -10 5 -10 10
c 0 11 13 14 26 14
c 23 0 58 -8 76 -8
c 8 0 12 1 12 6
c 0 3 -1 8 -4 12
c -38 53 -101 88 -172 88
c -116 0 -210 -94 -210 -210
c 0 -116 94 -210 210 -210
c 84 0 158 49 192 120
c 3 7 8 12 16 12
c 10 0 20 -9 20 -20
c 0 -3 -1 -8 -2 -10
c -40 -80 -123 -142 -226 -142
c -138 0 -250 112 -250 250
0 1 1 #t))))))
{ c''^\markup \circular-bowing }
You can use esmuflily
<http://www.ekmelic-music.org/en/extra/esmuflily.htm> to draw smufl
glyphs in Lilypond as in the following sample. But in case of svg
backend it embeds the codepoint of a smufl glyph, not the path. So you
will not obtain a stand-alone svg file.
\version "2.24.0"
\include "esmufl.ily"
{ c''^\markup \halign #-0.5 \ekm-char ##x27F3 }
Am 14.02.2024 um 10:59 schrieb Orm Finnendahl:
I'd like to make a sign for circular bowing like in the attached
png. The example was done using an epsfile, but unfortunately that
doesn't export to svg, which I need. So it should be done using
lilypond's builtin markup commands (or scheme code). Can someone point
me to examples to do circular arcs with attached arrows (can also be
scheme code)?
I couldn't find anything similar in the docs/internet.