
There is no predefined double dashed bar line in lilypond, (You can see a list 
of those at 
https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.25/Documentation/notation/list-of-bar-lines ) so 
you’ll have to define it using \defineBarLine , as described here 


> 12 feb. 2024 kl. 20:17 skrev Evan Driscoll <eva...@gmail.com>:
> Disclaimer: I realize I'm on an older version of Lilypond. If that makes 
> things substantially more difficult it's not out of the question I could 
> upgrade, but I'd rather not at this time.
> I'm trying the following:
>     \version "2.20.0"
>     \relative c'' {
>       c4
>       c
>       \bar "!"
>       c
>       c
>     }
> and this works, it gives me a dashed barline between the second and third 
> notes.
> However, I can't figure out how to get a double dashed barline. \bar "!!", 
> "!|", and "|!", as well as `\bar "!" \bar "!"` are my four guesses, but none 
> work -- I get no barline with any of the first three, and just one with the 
> doubled-up `\bar`s.
> Is this possible? What's the right markup for this?
> Evan

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