Hi everyone, Currently, I am transcribing Bach's *Fantasia and Fugue in a minor* (BWV 904), but I am dealing with a rest collision between the fugue voices on measure 69. Specifically, on the 4th beat I have not found a way to give distance between the *a'* from the alto and the 16th rest from the tenor. I have tried to override it using *NoteColumn.force-hshift* but it doesn't move the *a**'* in the alto to the left at all or the rest in the tenor to the right (or its subsequent 16th notes). The best I have done is using* Rest.extra-offset = #'(0.5 . -1)* on the tenor, but it really does not give a satisfactory space between the voices, and the subsequent 16th notes in the tenor remain still. Here it is a picture from the original source and how it should look: [image: bar 69.png] and this is how it looks on lilypond without any modification:
[image: bfar 69 lily.png] And here I include an excerpt from my code (I colored the voices for an easier view): _____________ \version "2.24.3" global = { \time 4/4 \key a \minor } soprano = \relative f'' { \voiceOne \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #-1 \shape #'((0 . 2) (0 . 2.5) (0 . 2.5) (0 . 2)) Tie \override Beam.color = #darkgreen \override NoteHead.color = #darkgreen \override Stem.color = #darkgreen f4~ 16 a g f e4 f | \shape #'((0 . 2) (0 . 2.5) (0 . 2.5) (0.8 . 2)) Tie g~ \once \override Dots.extra-offset = #'(-1.3 . 0) g8. f16 \revert NoteColumn.force-hshift e4 r4 | s4 } alto = \relative e'' { \voiceTwo \stemUp \tieDown \override NoteHead.color = #blue \override Stem.color = #blue \override Beam.color = #blue e16 e d cis d4~ 16 b cis! e~ 16 cis d f~ | 16 d e cis a cis d8 \stemDown \once \override Beam.positions = #'(-3 . -3.5) e16 d cis b! \tieUp a4~ | a4 } tenor = \relative d' { \voiceOne \change Staff = "up" \stemDown \tieDown \override NoteHead.color = #red \override Stem.color = #red \override Beam.color = #red \override Rest.color = #red d8 e f d a'4 b,8\rest d | bes'4 b,8\rest d \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #0.4 a'4 e16\rest g f e | \stemUp \tieUp d e f d } bass = \relative d { \voiceTwo d8 r r4 r2 | r4 d cis c! | b } \score { \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "up" << \global \clef "treble" \new Voice = "soprano" { \soprano } \new Voice = "alto" { \alto } >> \new Staff = "down" << \global \clef "bass" \new Voice = "tenor" { \tenor } \new Voice = "bass" { \bass } >> >> \layout { \context { \Score \override SpacingSpanner.common-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1/8 ) } } } Any suggestions please? Thanks in advance