Am Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2024, 00:03:00 CET schrieb Curt McDowell:
> Stan,
> Here is a brute force way by embedding PostScript – although it can be a
> bit tedious.
> \version "2.22.1"
> %% Custom dynamic marks using embedded PostScript
> %% If a particular mark is needed repeatedly, you can define a dynamic:
> vmark = #(make-dynamic-script
>            (markup #:postscript
>             "0.17 setlinewidth -1.50 1.25 moveto 0 1.0 rlineto stroke"))
Hello Curt,

rather than postscript you should probably use the high level path command. 
This will work with other outputs than just SVG.

So instead of

\markup\postscript #"0.17 setlinewidth -1.50 1.25 moveto 0 1.0 rlineto stroke"


\markup\path #0.17 #'((moveto -1.5 1.25) (rlineto 0 1))


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