On Tue, Jan 30, 2024 at 12:38 PM Aaron Hill <lilyp...@hillvisions.com> wrote:
> Ok, the source does just use the standard EADG tuning.

I was wondering. As I say, I don't play it, but when I looked around
it seemed like there was no need to specify an explicit tuning, since
it seemed very common in my cursory research.

> But the reason mandolin-tuning did not work is that the strings are
> tuned too high for the notes.  Compare from string-tunings-init.ly:
> %%%%
> \makeDefaultStringTuning #'bass-tuning \stringTuning <e,, a,, d, g,>
> \makeDefaultStringTuning #'mandolin-tuning \stringTuning <g d' a' e''>
> %%%%

> Now LilyPond is going to prefer fretting closer to the nut, so you will
> need to use string numbers to get the output to match the source
> tablature which is the ideal fretting position for that measure.
> And be careful with the \clef command being inside the \riff music
> variable.  TabStaff has its own specialized clef for printing the word
> "TAB".  You'll only want to apply the \clef to the Staff.
> %%%%
> \version "2.22.0"
> \language "english"
> riff = \relative {
>    \time 5/4
>    c8\2[ g8\3] r8 c,8\4 ds8\4[ g8\3] f4\3 f'8\1 r8
> }
> \score {
>    \new StaffGroup <<
>      \new Staff \with { \omit StringNumber } { \clef "bass_8" \riff }
>      \new TabStaff \with { stringTunings = #bass-tuning } { \riff }
>    >>
> }
> %%%%
> (StaffGroup will also get you that nice bracket out front.)

Thanks! It now looks (and as close as MIDI can) sounds pretty good to me.

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