
I’m producing scores on multiple page sizes. The basic technique is to
create a new book for each size. Like this:

music = {

    \new PianoStaff  <<

        \new Staff = "right"

<< \clef treble \new Voice\soprano >>

        \new Staff = "left"

<< \clef bass \new Voice \tenor \new Voice \bass >>



"A4book" = \book {

    \include "Output for A4.ily"

    \bookOutputName "JS Bach - Book2-05 BWV 874 1-Praeludium D (A4)"

\score {

        \keepWithTag #'pc \music

        \layout { }




The last line can be commented out so I don’t have to wait to generate all
possible page sizes during development. I just invoke the books I want to
work on.

But now I have a score which, at a particular page size, is on 3 pages. The
first page is repeated, and the last 2 pages are too. I want a blank page
at the start.

I’m trying to use bookParts. The following works:

\version "2.24.0"

\language "english"

hdr = \header {

    title = "Praeludium 5"

    subtitle = "BWV 874/1"


%testBook =

\book {

    \bookOutputName "Booktest"

    \bookpart { \markup \null }

    \bookpart {


            \score {

                \relative {  c'4 c c c }

                \layout {  }





If I remove the comment markers, I think it should still work, but I get
the following instead:

Parsing...ERROR: In procedure ly:book-process:

Wrong type (expecting real number): #<undefined>

Exited with return code 1.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance

Paul McKay

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