I can't remember, but this information is from the README. I can zip the files and post them somewhere if it has disappeared.
============================================= # lilyjazz: LilyJazz font package for lilypond This package provides the LilyJazz open-source font for lilypond. Original code by Torsten Hämmerle and Abraham Lee. For more information on producing Jazz lead sheets with Lilypond, checkout Abraham's [blog post]( http://leighverlag.blogspot.fr/2015/12/mimicking-real-book-look.html). ## Installation Install using [lyp](https://github.com/noteflakes/lyp): ```bash $ lyp install lilyjazz ``` ## Usage ```lilypond \require "lilyjazz" \layout { \context { \Score \jazzOn } } \markup { \override #'(font-name . "LilyJAZZ Text") "Some markup" } ``` For more details see the included [example]( https://github.com/noteflakes/lyp-lilyjazz/blob/master/test/test.ly). Another example is a "real book" style setting of ["All Of Me"]( https://github.com/noteflakes/lyp-lilyjazz/blob/master/test/allofme.ly). ## Compatibility with Lilypond versions This font is known to work in Lilypond version 2.18.2 or later. ===================================================== Laurie Savage https://www.queensofthewest.com/ On Sun, 21 Jan 2024 at 16:05, Jeff Kopmanis <kopma...@gmail.com> wrote: > Just for completeness sake, where do we fine the LilyJazz package? > > On Sat, Jan 20, 2024 at 11:59 PM Laurie Savage <savage.lau...@gmail.com> > wrote: > >> Hi, >> >> I use the LilyJazz package (lilyjazz.ily, jazzchords.ily, and >> jazzextras.ily) to prepare lead sheets. >> >> These packages have to be upgraded with convert.ly before using them - >> and the fonts copied into Lilypond's font folder. >> >> Normally these packages survive the upgrade or throw errors if they >> haven't. 2.25.11 compilations proceed without error but don't result in any >> "jazz style" formatting unless they are converted. >> >> Laurie Savage >> https://www.queensofthewest.com/ >> > > > -- > *Jeff Kopmanis* > Medium: https://kopmanis.medium.com > GLAAC: https://www.glaac.org/ > University Lowbrow Astronomers: http://umich.edu/~lowbrows > Orange Can Astronomy: https://www.facebook.com/orangecanastronomy/ > > ** Go Green and leave this email on the Screen! ** >