To answer my own question, I've fudged this with:
    \omit MultiMeasureRestNumber at the start of the bass line
    \override MultiMeasureRestNumber.Y-offset = -5 at the start of the
treble line
but that seems a bit fragile. Eg. if the staves need to be separated more.
Any other solutions?


On Tue, 16 Jan 2024 at 14:05, Martin Brown <> wrote:

> Where two-stave scores (eg. piano) have multiple bars rest in common
> between the treble and bass parts, the number of bars rest should be placed
> once, in between the two staves, not separately on each stave. How can I
> achieve this in Lilypond? By default, it seems to treat each stave's rest
> count separately, placing the number above the multi-bar rest symbol on
> each stave.
> Thanks,
> Martin

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