
Me again.

I am enjoying the learning curve here and your help is making it a lot
of fun.  I have finished a piano accompaniment for a vocal ensemble.  I
have set up the file as such:


notes (some second voice added)


notes (some second voice added)

piano = {                                                                       
  \context PianoStaff <<                                                        
    \set PianoStaff.instrument = #"Piano"                                       
    \context Staff = upper \PianoRH                                             
    \context Staff = lower \PianoLH                                             
\score {                                                                        
    \context PianoStaff = piano { << \piano >> }                                
  \layout {                                                                     
    \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }                                       
    \context {                                                                  
      \override BarNumber #'padding = #3                                        
      \override RehearsalMark #'padding = #2                                    
%  \midi {                                                                      
%    \tempo 4 = 75                                                              
%    }                                                                          

The output is brilliant.  Now I wish to add 7 staves (5 or 6 percussion
and 1 vocal).

Seems I am having troubles doing it as such:

drums = {
      \drummode notes

drums2 = {
       \drummode notes


and then adding the drums in the \score section with '\new DrumStaff'
commands.  Am I going about this in a correct manor? 

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