At 11:15 PM 6/26/2005 +0200, Sven Axelsson wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Werner LEMBERG [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> Sent: den 26 juni 2005 22:44
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: Languages other than English on the mailing list
>> > I'd encourage any participant who has difficulty expressing
>> > themselves in English to use the major language they're most
>> > articulate in.  Most of us can probably follow well enough,
>> > especially with the help of the occasional kind respondent supplying
>> > a translation, and with the availability of machine translation
>> > sites on the web.
>> I second that.  It was always fun to see some Dutch mails from Han-Wen
>> or Jan which have been sent to list by accident :-)
>OK, visst kan det vara både intressant och lärorikt att se andra språk
>än engelska här på listan, men för att kommunikationen ska fungera så
>smidigt som möjligt så tycker jag att man bör försöka att i första hand
>skriva på engelska och bara i nödfall använda andra språk.
>Sven Axelsson, Sweden
Já, þetta er góð hugmynd, er það ekki? Mér finnst það væri mjög praktíst í
raununni, að því það er satt að sumt fólk getur ekki skrifað vel á ensku og
mun frekar skrifa á móðurmálinu sínu.

But seriously, I recall that on the older LilyPond website the invitation
was to post in any language that you thought might be understood.

(Wonding if Heikki is going to send something in Finnish now...)

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