
I have a custom engraver 
(https://github.com/nwhetsell/lilypond-instrument-name-measuring-engraver) that 
helps align instrument names like what’s shown on p. 509 of Elaine Gould’s 
Behind Bars. In a nutshell, this engraver works by measuring the x extent of 
system start text stencils, remembering the largest widths, and then reporting 
those widths (using ly:message) so they can be used as indents in a paper block.

It would be better, though, if the engraver set paper indents directly using (I 
believe) ly:output-def-set-variable! 
 Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to work. Running

(ly:output-def-set-variable! paper 'indent indent)

does not change the indent (paper is `(ly:parser-lookup '$defaultpaper)`).

Is it possible to set paper indents in an engraver using Scheme? Any help would 
be greatly appreciated! A small test program follows.

Many thanks,

\version "2.25.11"


\score {
    \new Staff \with {
      instrumentName = "Name"
      shortInstrumentName = "Nm."
    } {
      s1 \pageBreak s1

    \new Staff \with {
      instrumentName = "Very very very long name"
      shortInstrumentName = "V.v.v.lng.nm."
    } {

  \layout {
    \context {
      \consists #Instrument_name_measuring_engraver

\paper {
  left-margin = 0.75\in
  top-margin = 0.5\in
  right-margin = 0.75\in
  bottom-margin = 0.5\in

  % Uncomment these lines to show the effect of the indents.
  % indent = 138.24456692913384\pt
  % short-indent = 73.03085039370077\pt

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