Consider this snippet. ```tex cancellationFirst = \override Score.BreakAlignment.break-align-orders = #(grob-transformer 'break-align-orders (lambda (grob orig) (let ((vec (vector-copy orig)) (middle '(key-cancellation staff-bar key-signature))) (vector-set! vec 1 middle) vec)))
music = { \key ces \major ces'1 \bar "||" \key cis \major cis'1 } { <>^\markup "default" \music } { <>^\markup "cancellationFirst" \cancellationFirst \music } ``` As can be seen in the image, flipping the order of the bar line and the key cancellation changes the horizontal spacing between the `NoteHead` and `NonMusicalPaperColumn` grobs in a bad way. Why does this happen, and how can I avoid this? The third line shows the same without a bar line, where the spacing is just fine. Werner