Nicolas Sceaux wrote on 2005 June 25:

> How curious may it seem to you, not every body on this planet can write
> in English. I've seen fontconfig and pango in LilyPond's
> dependencies/requirements, not English language read and written.
Yes, well put.

When I recently became interested in this clearly international mailing
list, I assumed that users adventurous enough to tackle the complexities
of Lilypond would of necessity be flexible, certainly the sort of people
who have figured out that if you want to have any hope of extracting
maximal information from the Web, you'd better be able to at least read
straightforward French, Spanish, Italian, German and Dutch.

I see I was mistaken.

I have witnessed, hundreds of times, conversations with person A speaking
one language and person B replying in a different language.  Encouraging
such a procedure here would seem better than driving away those who are
not comfortable presenting a question in English.

-- Tom

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