> The after-line-breaking callback appears to be in stable/2.20 from git.
> At least in system.cc.

Yes, but it was not called for System specifically until

commit 782f5528e014cc3c7f705298a83f777306541e89
Author: Jean Abou Samra <j...@abou-samra.fr>
Date:   Mon Mar 21 21:21:28 2022 +0100

    Also call after-line-breaking/before-line-breaking/springs-and-rods on 
    This makes System consistent with other grobs and allows for
    customizations and debugging.

which appeared in 2.23.7.

> It doesn't work on my version.
> Drawing systems...mwe.ly:36:4: In expression (when (eqv? LEFT #) (let #
> #)):
> mwe.ly:36:4: Unbound variable: when
> Unless there is a syntax error I don't see.
> I tried it in 2.24.3 and it didn't work there either.  Same error.
> There might be an extra parens in there, but I don't understand all
> the syntax.
> For fun I also tried:
> \layout {
>   \context {
>     \Score
>     \override System.after-line-breaking = #dump-col-info
>   }
> }
> to see if that error would trigger on System.after-line-breaking and
> the error didn't occur on 2.24.3.  This implies that the after-line-
> breaking callback is broken for the System object.

Please triple check that you are actually running 2.24.3.

System.after-line-breaking not working hints at a pre-2.23.7 version,
and 'when' being unbound means it's built with Guile 1 as opposed to
Guile 2 or Guile 3, which is impossible in LilyPond 2.24.

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