Hi all, I'm a composer and a software developer, and I started using LilyPond only a week ago. I'm very impressed with LilyPond; its functionality and documentation are outstanding. I had previously tried Sibelius and MuseScore, but had many issues with them. I spent much of the last week converting my compositions from MIDI files to Lily format. I tried midi2ly first, but found it lacking, and decided to roll my own in C++. I gather there are other converters around, as I saw at least one on GitHub. I may put mine on GitHub too, after its code settles down a bit. It assumes the MIDI file is already quantized, but it handles triplets, and works well enough for me. If you're curious, some of the scores I created with it are here: https://www.chriskorda.com/misc/scores.html My program is a Windows VisualStudio C++ console app. I expect it could be ported to other platforms easily enough, as it doesn't have many dependencies, except a few basic MFC classes like CString, CArray and CStdioFile.
My actual question regards video. I have investigated the various methods, and I'm considering rolling my own, partly because I'm reluctant to install Python, but also because it's an interesting problem. I tried outputting the score as one long strip, via ly:one-line-breaking, nice and easy. Presumably I could then scroll the resulting PNG file to generate video frames. But would I know the pixel offsets of notes/rests within each measure? I saw one solution has a blue line moving through the score to indicate position, whereas another solution highlights individual notes. How was this done? Any hints would be greatly appreciated. Best wishes, Chris Kordahttps://www.chriskorda.com/index.html