if you think you'd like to help providing a booth on the Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2024 (happening on the weekend March 16/17), please checkout the CfP at <https://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2024/en/programm/anmeldung/live>. Note that companies but not community projects are charged for booths. We'd need 2–4 persons manning the booth and prepare suitable presentation material, and help people with questions and showcase working on music and performance material. If we have suitable people and can figure out a suitable goal, we could think about offering a workshop. I am not sure we'd get a talk slot since I just held a LilyPond talk this year. I'd probably try to land a Shotcut video editor talk (I've not yet talked about key frames in Shotcut which allow to the "smooth scrolling" stuff in videos like <https://youtu.be/spAP7ODPCyg>). Particularly if I get that talk in, it would be good to have at least two more people for the booth. There is a yearly bus organized from the Ruhr area if that helps. The conference is the largest in Germany with a similar theme (typically about 2500 to 3000 visitors). Interest? The conference is a friendly meeting place, and presenters get a nice social event on Saturday with catering. -- David Kastrup