I will try to create a MWE if that is required to track down the
A *minimal* example is not strictly required (though helpful), but
*some* example is — otherwise, there is nothing we can do, sorry.
Attached is a fairly short example that shows the described behaviour
with 2.25.10
The problem seems to be created by the code copied from LSR snippet 888.
When the \layout{} section is commented out, everything compiles fine.
So maybe it's not a lilypond problem but one of LSR snippet 888.
The attached example from the previous email did have a function
\paradyn not removed. The attached version does have it removed. Sorry
for sending the wrong file.
As an additional finding:
Not only removing the \layout{} does make the error go away, removing
the '\new ChoirStaff <<' with the corresponding '>>' makes the error go
away as well.
Not sure what the problem could be.
Kind regards,
Michael Gerdau email: m...@qata.de
GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver
\version "2.25.9"
%% Start LSR snippet 888
%% http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=888
%LSR by Wolf Alight
%LSR modified by Alexander Kobel
%LSR modified by Thomas Morley
%% Note: Only characters of the string used to define space-set
%% are recognized by 'center-on-word'
#(define space-set
(string->list ".?-;,:„“”‘’–— */()[]{}|<>!`~&…‥")))
#(define (width grob text)
(let* ((X-extent
(ly:stencil-extent (grob-interpret-markup grob text) X)))
(if (interval-empty? X-extent)
(cdr X-extent))))
#(define (center-on-word grob)
(let* ((text (ly:grob-property-data grob 'text))
(syllable (markup->string text))
(if (string-skip syllable space-set)
(string-skip syllable space-set)
(if (string-skip-right syllable space-set)
(+ (string-skip-right syllable space-set) 1)
(string-length syllable)))
(preword (substring syllable 0 word-position))
(word (substring syllable word-position word-end))
(preword-width (width grob preword))
(word-width (width grob (if (string-null? syllable) text word)))
(note-column (ly:grob-parent grob X))
(note-column-extent (ly:grob-extent note-column note-column X))
(note-column-width (interval-length note-column-extent)))
(/ (- note-column-width word-width) 2)
(1+ (ly:grob-property-data grob 'self-alignment-X)))
%% For general use this take this layout-setting
%% In the example below the override is applied to selected Lyrics only
\layout {
\context {
\override LyricText.X-offset = #center-on-word
%% End LSR snippet 888
sopranoOne = \relative bes' {
\time 3/2
R1*3/2*2 | bes2.\f c4 d2 | f2. es4 d2 \bar "||"
\time 2/2 \tempo \markup { "[" \smaller \note {1} #UP = \smaller \note {1.}
#UP "]" } 1=62
es1~\mp | es1 | d1 | r2 bes8[ c d es] f4. es8 d4 d |
\bar "|."
sopranoOneVerse = \lyricmode {
Ho -- di -- e, ho -- di -- e, Chri -- stus, na -- _ _ _ tus est,
No -- e, __ No -- e, No -- e, No -- e, No -- e, No -- e.
\score {
%\new ChoirStaff <<
\new Staff \with {
midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
instrumentName = "Soprano I"
\new Voice = "soprano1" \sopranoOne
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "soprano1" { \sopranoOneVerse }