I see, thanks for the update.

I found a solution to this problem here: https://www.reddit.com/r/lilypond/comments/vozo9z/comment/ieibg4j/ does this do what you were hoping for?


Pasted below in-case this link goes away...

\version "2.25.7"

\score {
    \new PianoStaff
        \new Staff = "upper"
        \relative c' {

        \new Staff = "lower" \with { \consists "Mark_engraver" }
        \relative c' {
            \override Staff.RehearsalMark.direction = #DOWN
            \override Staff.RehearsalMark.rotation = #'(180 0 0)
\mark \markup { \smaller \smaller \musicglyph #"scripts.ufermata" }

On 11/12/23 11:20, Johannes Roeßler wrote:
Am 12.11.2023 um 17:10 schrieb William Rehwinkel:
\relative c' {
e1 \break \once \override Score.RehearsalMark.break-visibility = #end-of-line-visible \tweak direction #DOWN \mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.dfermata" } \bar "||" e2 }

thx William for the quick response, always an amazing group...

works for one fermata - but in my context (up in soprano, down in bass) it gives a warning "conflict with event: `ad-hoc-mark-event'" and only produces the first one:

\version "2.24.0"

\score {
   \new StaffGroup <<
      \new Staff {
       e1 \break \once \override Score.RehearsalMark.break-visibility = #end-of-line-visible \mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.ufermata" } \bar "||" e2
      \new Staff {
        e1 \break \once \override Score.RehearsalMark.break-visibility = #end-of-line-visible \tweak direction #DOWN \mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.dfermata" }
         \bar "||" e2
   \layout {


William Rehwinkel - Oberlin College and Conservatory '24


PGP key: https://ftp.williamrehwinkel.net/pubkey.txt

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