Hi Alasdair,

On Sun, Nov 12, 2023 at 8:47 AM Alasdair McAndrew <amc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> How can I force each score with a book to have a last ragged bottom, and
> each score beginning on a new page?

Might try putting each score into a \bookpart section. When I put multiple
scores into a single PDF that's how I go about it - works quite well for
me. Something like:

\paper {
  ::global paper settings ::

\book {
  \bookpart {
    \paper {
       :: paper settings for just this score ::
    \score {
      :: the score ::
  \bookpart {
    :: and the next score, and so forth ::

One note - using \bookpart inserts a page break between parts, so no need
for any explicit \pageBreak commands. For some more details have a look at:

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