Jean Abou Samra <> writes:

> Le mardi 07 novembre 2023 à 00:55 -0500, David Zelinsky a écrit :
>> Is there a way to change the spacing between staves (single-staff
>> systems) in one score, in a document with multiple scores, without
>> introducing a page break?
> Unfortunately, the answer is currently no.

Thanks, Jean.  Good to at least have confirmation.

Though I am curious whether this was just an accident of implementation
and would be easy to change, or if there is a more structural reason.

Paul Hodges <> writes:

> Assuming your sections are all (or nearly all) less than half a page,
> you could halve the paper requirement by typesetting onto landscape A5
> (or whatever is half the size of your output paper) and print from
> Acrobat (or whatever) two-up on each page.

Thanks, Paul.  That's a good idea.


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