Thanks Guy for the tip, and for digging out the code. it works perfectly well (under Lilypond 2.24).
I tried using the function to parenthesize chords as well, and it works just as fine. You made my day. Warm thanks. On Sun, Oct 22, 2023 at 1:00 PM Guy Stalnaker <> wrote: > This should get you what you want: > > %%% > \version "2.24.0" > > startParenthesis = { > \once \override Parentheses.stencils = #(lambda (grob) > (let ((par-list (parentheses-interface::calc-parenthesis-stencils > grob))) > (list (car par-list) point-stencil ))) > } > > endParenthesis = { > \once \override Parentheses.stencils = #(lambda (grob) > (let ((par-list (parentheses-interface::calc-parenthesis-stencils > grob))) > (list point-stencil (cadr par-list)))) > } > > % Example: > % { > % \override Parentheses.font-size = #5 > % \startParenthesis <c \parenthesize c'> > % d' e' f' > % \endParenthesis \parenthesize g' > % } > %%% > > On 10/22/23 10:00, Guy Melançon wrote: > > I understand the \parenthesize command applies to a single note. > > I would like the parentheses to wrap more tan just one note. Something > like \parenthesize {c4 d e f} to have a parentheses right before c and > after f. This would be useful writing a jazz score to include an optional > anacrouse in the last measure. > > I would also be interested in doing the same thing with the chords written > above the staff. > > Any ideas, anyone? > > Thanks > > > -- > -- > > “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of > human existence.” > > ― Aristotle > >