I presume that partCombine overrides the dynamic placement so that dynamics for the two parts are placed above and below, which seems a reasonable approach when the parts are more distinct than in the given example.  Using ^ to override it in this case seems a tolerable alternative.

Thank you for your answer.

I'm not sure that's the correct explanation though.
See this:
- snip - snip - snip - snip - snip - snip - snip -
\version "2.25.9"

musa = { \dynamicUp c'4\p \repeat unfold 3 { c' }
  c'4\p \repeat unfold 3 { c' }
  c'4\p \repeat unfold 3 { c' } }
musb = { \dynamicUp s1
  c'4\p \repeat unfold 3 { c' }
  c'4\p \repeat unfold 3 { c' } }

\score {
  \partCombine \musa \musb

\score {
  \partCombine \musb \musa

\score {
  \partCombine \musa \musa

\score {
  \partCombine \musb \musb
- snip - snip - snip - snip - snip - snip - snip -

When you repeat the last bar identically in both \musa and \musb the dynamics stay below in the first two scores and stay above in the second two scores.

To me this looks like a bug.

Kind regards,
 Michael Gerdau       email: m...@qata.de
 GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver
\version "2.25.9"

musa = { \dynamicUp c'4\p \repeat unfold 3 { c' }
  c'4\p \repeat unfold 3 { c' }
  c'4\p \repeat unfold 3 { c' } }
musb = { \dynamicUp s1
  c'4\p \repeat unfold 3 { c' }
  c'4\p \repeat unfold 3 { c' } }

\score {
  \partCombine \musa \musb

\score {
  \partCombine \musb \musa

\score {
  \partCombine \musa \musa

\score {
  \partCombine \musb \musb

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