Hi all,

I've got LilyPond 2.24.2 running on Windows 11. It's installed as a local
installation in a folder in my OneDrive folder and I've never had a problem
with this setup before. My problem has only appeared since moving to a
Windows 11 machine though, so that might be relevant, although I
(foolishly, perhaps!) upgraded LilyPond from 2.22 at the same time.

When I run LilyPond on a file (this is on a MWE, but the same error happens
on any file), I get this error:

Converting to `PrettyTune.pdf'...
warning: `(gs -q -dNODISPLAY -dNOSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH
-dAutoRotatePages=/None -dPrinted=false ./lilypond-tmp-9499133)' failed (1)

C:/Users/HorsburghCameron(Ins/OneDrive - Department for
error: Guile signaled an error for the expression beginning here
 (let ((book-handler (if (defined? 'default-toplevel-book-handler)
Throw to key `ly-file-failed' with args `()'.
Exited with return code 1.\

The apparently relevant part with the -V switch:

Converting to `PrettyTune.pdf'...
Preparing Ghostscript command to `./lilypond-tmp-2547645': mark /OutputFile
(./lilypond-tmp-9944575.pdf) /CompatibilityLevel 1.4 /PageSize [595.28
841.89] (pdfwrite) finddevice putdeviceprops pop (pdfwrite) selectdevice
newpath fill (./lilypond-tmp-9944575) (r) file  run
-dAutoRotatePages=/None -dPrinted=false ./lilypond-tmp-2547645'...

GPL Ghostscript 9.56.1 (2022-04-04)

Copyright (C) 2022 Artifex Software, Inc.  All rights reserved.

This software is supplied under the GNU AGPLv3 and comes with NO WARRANTY:

see the file COPYING for details.

Error: /syntaxerror in /----nostringval----

Operand stack:

   false   --nostringval--

Execution stack:

   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
--nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
--nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   1974   1   3   %oparray_pop
1973   1   3   %oparray_pop   1961   1   3   %oparray_pop   1817   1   3
%oparray_pop   --nostringval--   %errorexec_pop   .runexec2
--nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push
--nostringval--   1974   1   3   %oparray_pop   1973   1   3   %oparray_pop
  1961   1   3   %oparray_pop   1817   1   3   %oparray_pop
--nostringval--   %errorexec_pop   .runexec2   --nostringval--
--nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push

Dictionary stack:

   --dict:767/1123(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:75/200(L)--

Current allocation mode is local

GPL Ghostscript 9.56.1: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1

-dAutoRotatePages=/None -dPrinted=false ./lilypond-tmp-2547645)' failed (1)

C:/Users/HorsburghCameron(Ins/OneDrive - Department for
error: Guile signaled an error for the expression beginning here
 (let ((book-handler (if (defined? 'default-toplevel-book-handler)
C:/Users/HorsburghCameron(Ins/OneDrive - Department for
         14 #
   873:16 13 (lilypond-main _)
    902:4 12 (lilypond-all _)
In srfi/srfi-1.scm:
    640:9 11 (for-each #<procedure 4317780 at /home/lily/lilypond-2…> …)
    912:9 10 (_ _)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
    829:9  9 (catch _ _ #<procedure 439b800 at /home/lily/lilypond-…> …)
In unknown file:
           8 (ly:parse-file "C:/Users/HorsburghCameron(Ins/OneDrive …")
           7 (apply-smob/1 #<catch-closure 4897aa0>)
           6 (ly:book-process #<Book> #< Output_def> #< Output_def> #)
    319:4  5 (postprocess-output #< Output_def> #<directory (lily f…> …)
In srfi/srfi-1.scm:
    640:9  4 (for-each #<procedure 4059080 at /home/lily/lilypond-2…> …)
    139:4  3 (postscript->pdf _ _ _ _ #f)
     57:4  2 (ly:gs-cli _ _)
In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
   751:25  1 (dispatch-exception 0 ly-file-failed ())
In unknown file:
           0 (apply-smob/1 #<catch-closure 4897a60> ly-file-failed)
Throw to key `ly-file-failed' with args `()'.
Exited with return code 1.
Given the lack of bug reports about this that I can see, I assume it has
something to do with my setup!

Any ideas?

Cameron Horsburgh

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