Hi Robert, you could do it like this:
\version "2.23.6" \layout { \context { \Staff \override KeySignature.text = #(lambda (grob) (let* ((alt (ly:grob-property grob 'alteration-alist)) (alts (map cdr alt)) (tot (* 2 (apply + alts))) (acc (cond ((= tot 0) (markup #:musicglyph "accidentals.natural")) ((> tot 0) (markup #:musicglyph "accidentals.sharp")) (else (markup #:vcenter #:musicglyph "accidentals.flat"))))) (markup #:vcenter #:number (number->string (abs tot)) acc))) \override KeySignature.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print printKeyCancellation = ##f } } expt = { \key c \major c d e f } { \clef bass \expt \transpose c cis \expt \transpose c des \expt \transpose c d \expt \transpose c dis \expt \transpose c es \expt \transpose c e \expt \transpose c f \expt \transpose c fis \expt \transpose c ges \expt \transpose c g \expt \transpose c gis \expt \transpose c as \expt \transpose c a \expt \transpose c ais \expt \transpose c bes \expt \transpose c b \expt } Cheers, Valentin Am Montag, 2. Oktober 2023, 14:21:37 CEST schrieb Robert Mengual: > Hi, I am trying to overwrite the key signature for my custom music notation > so that instead of displaying the sharp and flat icons, it shows a given > number and the alteration. So, for example, E Major would show 4# instead > of ####. > > I have been able to get the desired output by hardcodeing it using the > markup function. However, I am not finding a way to conditionally render > the number and alteration depending on the key. Could somebody help me? > > Here is my tiny hardcoded example, with a screenshot: > > [image: image.png] > > \version "2.23.6" > > \layout { > \context { > \Staff > \override KeySignature.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print > \override KeySignature.text = \markup { > \combine > \halign #-1 \lower #1 \musicglyph "four" > \halign #-5 \musicglyph "accidentals.sharp" > } > } > } > > \relative { > \clef bass > \key e \major > cis dis e > }
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