Hello Michael,

you could create a Dynamics context before the staff containing the markup.


Am Donnerstag, 28. September 2023, 19:54:22 CEST schrieb Michael Gerdau:
> Dear lilyponders,
> I would like to have directional text outside of lyrics. I've been
> trying to use \markup but so far I only managed to have the text between
> notes and Lyrics.
> See the following example:
> - snip - snip - snip - snip -
> \version "2.25.8"
> music = {
>    <>^\markup "This Text shall be outside of the Lyrics"
>    \repeat unfold 16 { c' }
> }
> verse = \lyricmode { \repeat unfold 16 { du } }
> \score {
>    <<
>      \new Staff = "s" { \new Voice = "s1" { \music } }
>      \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = #"s" } \lyricsto "s1" {
> \verse }
> }
> - snip - snip - snip - snip -
> Any ideas what the proper incantation would be?
> Kind regards,
> Michael

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