Hello, A while back, I reached out to this mailing list seeking assistance in building a Csound to LilyPond converter. What I had in mind was a tool to enhance the readability and presentation of Csound scores using LilyPond.
For context, the Csound score format I'm working with is relatively straightforward and consists of the following fields: <instrument_name> <onset> <duration> <dynamic> <frequency> (at least). With your help, we managed to devise a solution that looks something like this: \context Staff = "org" \new Voice \after 4*##e0.333 { f,, 4*##e1.324 \- _"+1.96¢" } <> It works well, but now when I’m building something more complex I have some incoherencies. Why the first system do not show bar lines marking the seconds in this code? Also they do not appear in the last measure of the system.. Is this a good approach to make the result? thank u ! \version "2.24.0" \paper { #(set-paper-size "a4landscape") print-page-number = ##t system-separator-markup = \slashSeparator } \layout { \context { \Score proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/48) \override SpacingSpanner.uniform-stretching = ##t \override TimeSignature.stencil = ##f \override TextScript.font-size = #-9 } \context { \Voice \remove Stem_engraver \remove Dots_engraver \override NoteHead.duration-log = 2 } } << %=================================== \new RhythmicStaff = timeline \new Staff = "org" \new Staff = "senot" \cadenzaOn %=================================== \context Staff = "org" \new Voice \after 4*##e0.333 { f,, 4*##e1.324 _"+1.96¢" } <> \context Staff = "org" \new Voice \after 4*##e0.333 { \clef "bass_8" } <> \context Staff = "org" \new Voice \after 4*##e0.663 { cis,, 4*##e1.318 _"-11.73¢" } <> \context Staff = "org" \new Voice \after 4*##e13.655 { bes,, 4*##e1.112 _"+3.91¢" } <> \context Staff = "org" \new Voice \after 4*##e13.655 { \clef "bass_8" } <> \context Staff = "org" \new Voice \after 4*##e13.933 { cis,, 4*##e1.108 _"-11.73¢" } <> \context Staff = "org" \new Voice \after 4*##e13.933 { \clef "bass_8" } <> \context Staff = "org" \new Voice \after 4*##e14.21 { f,, 4*##e1.105 _"+1.96¢" } <> \context Staff = "org" \new Voice \after 4*##e14.21 { \clef "bass_8" } <> \context Staff = "org" \new Voice \after 4*##e14.487 { c, 4*##e1.101 _"0.0¢" } <> \context Staff = "org" \new Voice \after 4*##e14.487 { \clef "bass_8" } <> \context Staff = "org" \new Voice \after 4*##e14.762 { fis,, 4*##e1.097 _"-9.78¢" } <> \context Staff = "org" \new Voice \after 4*##e14.762 { \clef "bass_8" } <> \context Staff = "org" \new Voice \after 4*##e15.036 { f,, 4*##e1.094 _"+1.96¢" } <> \context Staff = "org" \new Voice \after 4*##e15.036 { \clef "bass_8" } <> \context Staff = "senot" \new Voice \after 4*##e14.486 { bes, 4*##e1.101 _"+3.91¢" } <> \context Staff = "senot" \new Voice \after 4*##e14.486 { \clef "bass_8" } <> \context Staff = "senot" \new Voice \after 4*##e14.762 { f,, 4*##e1.097 _"+1.96¢" } <> \context Staff = "senot" \new Voice \after 4*##e14.762 { \clef "bass_8" } <> \context Staff = "senot" \new Voice \after 4*##e15.036 { cis,, 4*##e1.094 _"-11.73¢" } <> \context Staff = "senot" \new Voice \after 4*##e15.036 { \clef "bass_8" } <> \context Staff = timeline \new Voice \after 4*##e1 { s1 ^\markup"1" \bar "!" } <> \context Staff = timeline \new Voice \after 4*##e2 { s1 ^\markup"2" \bar "!" } <> \context Staff = timeline \new Voice \after 4*##e3 { s1 ^\markup"3" \bar "!" } <> \context Staff = timeline \new Voice \after 4*##e4 { s1 ^\markup"4" \bar "!" } <> \context Staff = timeline \new Voice \after 4*##e5 { \break } <> \context Staff = timeline \new Voice \after 4*##e6 { s1 ^\markup"6" \bar "!" } <> \context Staff = timeline \new Voice \after 4*##e7 { s1 ^\markup"7" \bar "!" } <> \context Staff = timeline \new Voice \after 4*##e8 { s1 ^\markup"8" \bar "!" } <> \context Staff = timeline \new Voice \after 4*##e9 { s1 ^\markup"9" \bar "!" } <> \context Staff = timeline \new Voice \after 4*##e10 { \break } <> \context Staff = timeline \new Voice \after 4*##e11 { s1 ^\markup"11" \bar "!" } <> \context Staff = timeline \new Voice \after 4*##e12 { s1 ^\markup"12" \bar "!" } <> \context Staff = timeline \new Voice \after 4*##e13 { s1 ^\markup"13" \bar "!" } <> \context Staff = timeline \new Voice \after 4*##e14 { s1 ^\markup"14" \bar "!" } <> \context Staff = timeline \new Voice \after 4*##e15 { \break } <> \context Staff = timeline \new Voice \after 4*##e16 { s1 ^\markup"16" \bar "!" } <> >>