

Thank you for the command and the recommendation from and experienced eye.




From: Paul Hodges [] 
Sent: Monday, September 4, 2023 1:46 AM
To: Mark Stephen Mrotek <>;
Subject: Re: search terms


I think the "errant" dot is in the right place (in line with the one above).  
The issue I see is that the e above it is too far to the right.  I'd move that 
back and then adjust the tie with \shape to miss the dot on the c (also to miss 
the b at the other end).


To hide the flags, try "\once \hide Flag" before the note.  But sometimes I 
write e4*1/2 to write a crotchet ( flag) but with the timing of a quaver.



From: Mark Stephen Mrotek < <> > 
To: < <> > 
Sent: 03/09/2023 23:42 
Subject: search terms 



Two items for which I request search terms to locate solution/commands.


The first is the errant dot on the c4. This has been 
presented/discussed/resolved in a previous thread. Please provide a search term 
to locate that thread.


The second is a search term for the command to eliminate two flags, one on the 
e8 the other on the e16. I am using version 2.22,


Thank you for your kind attention.


Mark Stephen Mrotek

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