I'm not quite sure what the "why" refers to: but I'm attempting to typeset
some material from a 1607 publication, which in the original has two
tablature parts and one score part for each piece.  I'm aiming to do
several things here: transcribe the publication so that it's easy to read
(so with tablature); create an edition entirely in modern score; and also
allow for playing by instruments at different pitches.  The title page
announces that each piece could be "plaied 8, severall waies upon sundry
Instruments", and so I'm trying to make that facility available to the
modern player.


On Mon, 7 Aug 2023 at 00:11, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:

> Alasdair McAndrew <amc...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Thank you very much indeed for your offer.  I'll try to put something
> > together: currently my files are split up, so that all common
> > definitions are in one file, all music in another, and the layout in a
> > third file (which imports the others).  I'll aim to make a simple
> > representative file which includes the lot!
> >
> > But as I said earlier the music is split into two definitions: one
> > contains the pitch information, and the other the rhythm.  These are
> > then put together as I described in my first post.
> Why?
> --
> David Kastrup

Alasdair McAndrew (he/him)
mob: 0432 854 858


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