My function takes an optional hook for inserting such overrides:

\override TupletNumber.font-series = #'bold

Or you can do a general override in a layout block:

\override StandaloneRhythm.TupletNumber.font-series = #'bold


Am Mittwoch, 2. August 2023, 08:04:31 CEST schrieb Lib Lists:
> Ooops, I clearly skipped that part, my bad!
> I now see why you did it, and you also added some space around the
> elements. I agree it looks more balanced.
> In trying to see why
> By the way, I just realised that the tuplet number default in Lilypond
> is non bold. I managed to modify your example to make it bold, and
> also changed the spacing between elements a bit, but I couldn't find a
> way to modify the small tuplet number. Any idea how to achieve it?
>     (markup
>       #:concat
>       (#:bold
>         (number->string den)
>         #:hspace 0.1
>         #:magnify 0.5 #:rhythm music1
>         #:hspace 0.1
>         #:bold ":"
>         #:hspace 0.1
>         #:bold
>         (number->string num)
>         #:hspace 0.1
>         #:magnify 0.5 #:rhythm music2
>       ))

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