Thanks, that’s good to know.  In the end, while playing with 
\alterBroken I discovered that I could increase 
Tie.details.vertical-distance-penalty-factor to get the effect I wanted.  It 
didn’t work in the \alterBroken command (perhaps because it’s accessed before 
line breaking?) but it had the desired effect as an override.

\version "2.24.0"

\relative c' {

        <ces ces'>1~ <ces ces'>1~ <ces ces'>1~ <ces ces'>1~
        \override Tie.details.vertical-distance-penalty-factor = #10
        <ces ces'>1~
        <ces ces'>1

        Take care,

        Mike Seifert 

> On Jul 24, 2023, at 9:07 AM, Jean Abou Samra <> wrote:
> Hi,
> If you just want to tweak both parts of the broken tie that
> extends over the line break, you should simply put the override
> before the note where it starts, like this:
> \version "2.24.1"
> \relative c' {
>  <c c'>1~ <c c'>1~ <c c'>1~ <c c'>1~
>  \override Tie.direction = #UP
>  <c c'>1~
>  \break
>  <c c'>1 R1*3
> }
> If you want to adjust these separately, the command you
> need to use is \alterBroken.
> \version "2.24.1"
> \relative c' {
>  <c c'>1~ <c c'>1~ <c c'>1~ <c c'>1~
>  \alterBroken color #'("red" "blue") Tie
>  <c c'>1~
>  \break
>  <c c'>1 R1*3
> }
> This is documented here:
> However, that's not going to work for the direction
> property (a known issue: ).
> Best,
> Jean

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