
>                  (ly:grob-set-property! follower 'details '((used-proportion 
> . 0.5))) ;;; HERE I would like to have user-input instead of 0.5
>                  ;; would prefer the above line to read something like:
>                  ;; (ly:grob-set-property! follower 'details 
> '((used-proportion . (assoc-get 'used-proportion (ly:grob-property elt 
> 'details '())))))
>                  ))))

The outcommented line sounds like you are confused about quoting, which is
pretty common for Scheme beginners.

You probably want to read about it more in detail, for example
onĀ https://extending-lilypond.gitlab.io/en/scheme/quoting.html

With that being said, what is the purpose of copying 'used-proportion from a
note head to a voice follower, can't you read and set it on the voice follower

Also, beware of doing (ly:grob-set-property! follower 'details ...) since that
will destroy all other entries that might be in the details alist. Better do

(ly:grob-set-nested-property! follower '(details used-proportion) ...)

to update only the used-proportion entry while keeping the others intact.


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