On Sun, 9 Jul 2023, Knute Snortum wrote:

> In the MWE the instrument is a piano, so you wouldn't want the note to sound
> louder than the surrounding notes, because the doubled note is played by
> only one hand.  But I can see this might be a problem if the two staves were
> for two voices.  Maybe you want it louder in that situation?  That's why I

LilyPond generates separate MIDI tracks, in separate channels, for the two
staves, so as far as anything playing the MIDI file is concerned, it is
not a "louder" note; it is two notes in unison.  Nothing about a standard
MIDI file indicates to the playing software that these two tracks happen
to be the right and left hands on a single instrument.

If you don't want the two notes to play at once, I think what needs to be
changed is the fact that LilyPond is generating separate tracks per stave.
You might be able to use \partcombine to collapse them into a single
track and eliminate unisons.

Matthew Skala
msk...@ansuz.sooke.bc.ca                 People before tribes.

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