Am Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2005 13:14 schrieb Mats Bengtsson:
> Developers, is the tex backend supposed to be actively supported?
> Olivier, do you have any specific reason to use the TeX code?
> By default, LilyPond 2.5.xx generates Postscript code directly.
> If you want to include some music examples in a LaTeX document,
> you should use lilypond-book which automates the process.
> If you, for some strange reason, really want to use the tex backend,
> then you have to add some settings so that your TeX environment
> finds the relevant files. The easiest solution then is to copy
> the file lilypond-profile from version 2.4, update the path in
> the file to point to your current LilyPond installation tree and
> then source the file. However, I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't
> work since I guess nobody has used this backend in the latest 2.5.xx
> versions.
>     /Mats

Is it possible to get text with font metrics/kerning using
the 2.5.x versions? If yes, the reasons for still wanting to
use the TeX backend are indeed strange.

If not, they're obvious. I switched back to 2.4 because of that.


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