On Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 3:33 PM Dave Shield <dave.shi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been trying to adjust the width of the final line of a piece, > where lines are being explicitly broken at specific points, and the > last line would naturally be significantly shorter than the others. > If I use a non-ragged layout, the final line ends up overstretched > and looks ridiculous - if I turn on "ragged-last" then the final line > is compressed much more than the others. How can I get the general > spacing of the last line to be similar to the other lines in the > following example? (i.e. roughly half the width of the page). > > I can't help feeling I'm missing something obvious, but nothing I've > tried so far seems to work. Where am I going wrong? > One way to deal with this would be to add a new spacing section: \version "2.22.1" scale = \relative c' { c d e f g a b c } halfscale = \relative c' { \newSpacingSection \override Score.SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = #2 c d e f } \score { \new Staff { \scale \break \scale \break \halfscale } \layout { % If set '##f', the last line is stretched across the full page, % and looks much too sparse % If set '##t', the last line is compressed into a minimal width, % and looks much too compact % How can this line be scaled to occupy about half the page width % and hence have the same spacing as the rest of the piece? ragged-last = ##t } } -- Knute Snortum