Hello Pierre-Luc,

It works for me if I copy and paste your code. Can you maybe attach a ly file 
that does not work for you?


Am Donnerstag, 15. Juni 2023, 18:25:37 CEST schrieb Pierre-Luc Gauthier:
> What am-I doing wrong here… ☹
> \version "2.25.6"
> \language "english"
> #(define instrumentsInfo
>    '(
>       (piccolo . ((fullName "Piccolo") (transposition #{bf'#})))
>       ))
> instrumentInfoLookup =
> #(define-scheme-function
>   (instrument info)
>   (symbol? symbol?)
>   (car (cdr (assq info (cdr (assq instrument instrumentsInfo))))))
> #(display (instrumentInfoLookup 'piccolo 'fullName))
> #(display (instrumentInfoLookup 'piccolo 'transposition))
> part =
> #(define-music-function
>   (music fullName transposition)
>   (ly:music? markup? ly:pitch?)
>   #{
>     \new Staff \with {
>       shortInstrumentName = fullName
>     } <<
>       \transpose $transposition c'
>       $music
>   >>#} )
> %\part c' "test" bf
> \part c'' #(instrumentInfoLookup 'piccolo 'fullName)
> c''%#(instrumentInfoLookup 'piccolo 'transposition)
> The ly:pitch? predicate fails. Is there a way for that pitch to be
> sent as a correct ly:pitch? ¿
> Thanks for any pointers.

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