Le lundi 12 juin 2023 à 17:02 +0000, Werner LEMBERG a écrit :
> Please consider the example code below.  The first line shows
> LilyPond's default, the second line shows what I need.  As can be
> seen, the solution in the second line is imperfect – I just did the
> most basic changes to demonstrate what I want, namely the down-stemmed
> note to be positioned after the up-stemmed chord.
> Is there an automated solution for this problem (namely correctly
> positioned and spaced naturals for the chord)?  The LSR doesn't really
> help, unfortunately.
> BTW, such situations happen from time to time in piano music.
> ```
> \version "2.25.6"
> << { <b'! e''!>2. } \\
>    { bes'!8 } >>
> << { <b'! e''!>2. } \\
>    {
>      \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #3.3
>      \once \override Accidental.extra-offset = #'(4.7 . 0)
>      bes'!8 } >>
> ```

Even though I can imagine this happening, I don't recall seeing
it as a pianist. Even if you tweak it to swap the note columns,
I think it will still be a bit confusing.

There are two obvious fixes: if you are the composer, you could
consider changing the B♭ into an A♯. And the other solution is
to move the B♭ note to the lower staff in a local treble clef.

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