Hi Alexandre, > I'm trying to notate harp pedals
It would be great to have more complete/robust harp pedal support in Lilypond! > Is there any way to make this more "automatic"? Unfortunately, I believe TextSpanner still doesn’t implement shorten-pair… but you can always use padding to fake it: startPed = #(define-music-function (start-text end-text) (markup? markup?) #{ \tweak dash-fraction #1.0 \tweak bound-details.left.text #start-text \tweak bound-details.left.stencil-align-dir-y #CENTER \tweak font-shape #'upright \tweak bound-details.right.text #end-text \tweak bound-details.right.stencil-align-dir-y #CENTER \tweak bound-details.left-broken.text ##f \tweak bound-details.right-broken.text ##f \tweak bound-details.right.padding 4 \tweak padding 1 \startTextSpan #}) endPed = \stopTextSpan RH = \relative es'' { ces'16 gis f gis des8 r a'16 ges es ges d8 r | } Pedals = { s4_\startPed "G♯" " ♭" s s \endPed _\startPed "" "♮" s4 \endPed _"D♮" | } \score { \new Staff << \new Voice \RH \new Voice \Pedals >> } Maybe Someone™ will have a more automatic and flexible method, but maybe this gives you a hint in the right direction? Best, Kieren. ______________________________________________ My work day may look different than your work day. Please do not feel obligated to read or respond to this email outside of your normal working hours.