
I'm writing some chorales for playing hymns on the organ. I've chosen a larger staff size to improve readability.

Having adjusted #(layout-set-staff-size ##) to 26, I'm noticing some less-than-fortunate side effects.

The key signature is very, very close to the clef, and the notes are too close to the bar line.

Is there an elegant way to adjust this to the larger staff size?

A minimal example:

\version "2.24.1"
\language "deutsch"

global = {
  \key f \major
  \time 3/2

rightOne = \relative c' {
f4 g f2 c | d4 e f2 a |

rightTwo = \relative c' {
c2 c a | b a c |

leftOne = \relative c {
a'4 g a2 a | f4 g c,2 f |

leftTwo = \relative c {
f4 e f2 f | b,4 g f2 f |

\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff = "right" <<
      \new Voice = "soprano" {
        \voiceOne << \rightOne >>
      \new Voice = "alto" {
        \voiceTwo << \rightTwo >>
    \new Staff = "left" <<
      \clef bass
      \new Voice = "tenor" {
        \voiceOne << \leftOne >>
      \new Voice = "bass" {
        \voiceTwo << \leftTwo >>

  \layout {
    #(layout-set-staff-size 26)


Best wishes,


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