For Unicode in Windows my preference is a little program called Wizkey - not free, but extremely ergonomic, both for searching and blind typing (in the case of ö, I just keyed: ctrl-: o).
For the tempo example, I just use markup in the \tempo command. For the equality, I use something like: ^\markup \left-align \concat { " ← " \smaller \note-by-number #2 #0 #0.8 " =" \smaller \note-by-number #2 #0 #0.8 " →" } with alignment and offset trimmed as required (in my case to get the = over the bar-line). Regards, Paul From: Greg Lindstrom <> To: <> Sent: 21/05/2023 3:42 Subject: Fonts and Tempo Good evening - Let me start off by saying I'm loving working with lilypond to engrave music. Well Done!! Questions. How can I do this (an umlaut over the o??) And on tempo markings (the "ca." after the equal sign. I could do it as all text but wanted to know if there's a more "lilypond" way to do it). And as long as I'm asking (and you're still reading). How about this (a half note = a quarter note. I'd be happy to do it without the arrows -- which I think borders on silly -- but I'll give extra credit): Thanks for any help you can provide. I have the Lilypond 2.12 Notation Reference so if you even point me to the section to reference I'll work it out. Kind Regards, --greg