On 5/9/23 03:22, Jean Abou Samra wrote:

Le lundi 08 mai 2023 à 22:55 -0400, dfro a écrit :


I think \translate-scaled will work for me! This is a wonderful tool.  In the following example, \concat allows me to get the symbols closer together. The -.2 values for x in /translate-scaled on the third \markup example do nothing. Is there a way to turn off collision avoidance in \markup? I know about \once \override TextScript.extra-offset = #'(0 . 0) , but that does not scale.

|\concat| is not the tool you want here. Basically, |\translate-scaled| moves the markup on an imaginary grid, but |\concat| then ignores the placement of the translated markup on this grid by realigning its left edge to the right edge of the previous element, to bring the two elements as close to each other as possible. Try this instead:

|\version "2.24.1" chord = \markup \overlay { C \translate-scaled #'(1.8 . .4) \fontsize #-1 \flat \fontsize #-2 \column { \translate-scaled #'(3.1 . 1.2) 7 \translate-scaled #'(3.1 . 2.5) 4 } } { \textLengthOn c1^\markup \fontsize #5 \chord c1^\markup \fontsize #10 \chord c1^\markup \fontsize #5 \chord } |


That is a beautiful solution! Thank you, for helping me to discover \overlay and how it can be used!

And, thank you for the clear explanation of why to use it in stead of \concat.



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